Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Research Blog #1: Initial Topic Idea

For my final research paper I plan to research the "law school crisis" which has swept across the United States the past decade. In my research I plan to research and answer the following questions: why is the job market for lawyers so weak? Why do law schools still promise applicants that they will go on to earn massive salaries upon graduation? Why has there been such a large drop off in the number of law school applicants? and how are law schools dealing with the decline in students? I have selected this topic because I have a close connection to this crisis. In 2009 I watched my brother Graduate from Seton Hall Law School, as any little brother would be I was extremely proud of his accomplishments. However in the year following his graduation, I watched first hand the struggles that graduating law students now face. The nonexistence of a job market being the greatest.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good topic with a growing body of literature to support it. You should probably look at the whole debate over "the higher education bubble" (I can loan you a pamphlet with that title -- written by a lawyer, ironically). Many point to law as the bleeding edge of the bubble's bursting, to mix a metaphor. I suggested as much in a blog post that directs you to a NY Times article, which will also be useful. Another related issue is the "fall of big law" -- which would make a good search term. The whole job pipeline is broken, and lawyers are increasingly seeking careers outside of law. The Writing Program has even hired a few lawyers as instructors.
